Spring Water Delivery Service Provides Health Benefits to Your Employees

If you have not Considered spring water delivery service for your New York area business, you are missing out on some important benefits for your employees. Quality spring water is free from harmful chemicals, completely natural, and better tasting than tap water.

 By taking advantage of site water service providers, you can improve the quality of your water supply and office Provide health benefits to your employees.

Spring Water is Healthy

We all know what happens in water treatment plants. Used wastewater is treated with chemicals and enzymes to break down waste products in the water. The water is then filtered and returned to the drinking water supply, presumably the clean, fresh water.

Spring water comes from clean, natural sources and is often Do bottled right at the origin. It has no added chemicals, such as fluoride or chlorine, and is naturally infused with healthy minerals from the soil. You can not get these added minerals from the tap water filter.

Spring Water Tastes Better

Also spring water tastes better. Municipal tap water sanitation has added chemicals, such as chlorine, that are Regularly applied to kill any bacteria lurking in the pipes. Fluoride, another common additive in U.S. water that is not used in other countries due to its potential toxicity, also adds a slight flavor to tap water supplies.

These chemicals create an artificial taste que many people find unpalatable.

Without these added chemicals, spring water's taste stays the clean and refreshing as it was at the source. Cleaner water leads to better tasting flavor in your office coffee pot. Your tea or powdered drink packets will Also have a brighter, more refreshing taste.

Water Delivery Service is Convenient

For businesses in the greater New York Metro area, water delivery service is simple and convenient. Fresh water can be delivered as frequently the Necessary to accommodate your business usage.

 For small businesses, weekly or bi-weekly delivery may be adequate. Larger businesses may need more frequent visits to keep from running out of water and Prevent used bottles from piling up.

Also helps keep delivery service used water bottles out of landfills. The delivery service will return the used containers to the spring water provider for recycling, Eliminating waste and preserving the environment.

Spring water delivery service is healthy, better tasting, and convenient for businesses in New York City and the surrounding area. Take advantage of this great option for the benefit of your employees and your business.

Discover Why to Switch to Bottled Water Delivery

In today's world, every second day you are exposed to many contaminants and pollutants That causes tremendous harm to your health.In a bid to save yourself from falling ill it is imperative to know what you shoulds Measures undertake to minimize the contaminants you consume.

 Switching to purified bottled water delivery is the first step: towards Protecting yourself as water-borne diseases are abundant.

Unfortunately public water supply has-been rumored to Contain insecticides, medicines, pesticides, sewage and many more That Such contaminants are seriously detrimental for our health.

Public water supply is a huge issue of concern all over the world. There Have Been many instances in the past When contaminated water has-been Supplied to homes and Consumed by people without knowing the consequences and reality.

Many notable studies Carried out on the level of contamination in drinking water show alarming and disturbing results.

Do you still wish to consume Such water or would you rather switch to bottled water safer and cleaner? Companies That Manufacture bottled water are Supposed to adhere to various rules and enforced by the EPA règlements That Ensure That The water you drink is healthy and clean.

Bottled water delivery and use HAS Increased demand and plastic bottles can be a bigger threat than drinking unclean water as plastic is non-biodegradable.

 Recently there has-been a huge Amongst environmentalists concerned about the use of plastic bottles for bottled water and recycling Whether companies are Actually Their bottles or not. There are many companies Have you are Striving to make a personal contribution to the environment and Have switched to "recycled" bottles.

Altho unknown to the general public the bottled water delivery industry was Amongst the first to make a switch to recycled bottles.

They Formed the reusable container system for Both home and office delivery segment. The methodology is simple, once the 3-5 gallons bottled water is Delivered and used by the consumer thesis bottles are taken back by the provider.

Then thesis bottles go through a process of Being Rigorous sanitized and sterilized before Being packaged again and feel out for delivery. When the container is no longer viable for reuse recycled Thereby it is making a huge contribution to the environment.

No matter what your need, Whether you wish to replace your water dispenser or you wish to buy a new one all your needs can be successfully Fulfilled. Competitive pricing, exemplary service, express deliveries are offert on the market.

 Get the taste of pristine spring water, purified bottled water and water dispensers at your home and office bottled water delivery with. These deliveries are not charged to the customer and you do not need to pay any surcharge for the fuel too.

As a responsible human being it is your responsibility too to make some valuable contribution to the environment too. Support use of recycled bottles and help make the earth a Healthier place to live. Take a resolution to safeguard you and your family's health today.

Benefits of Bottled Water Delivery

Bottled water delivery is a service available to house holds and to offices. More Often than not, offices will see a need for this sort of service. Read on for some benefits of setting up this sort of service and of associated schedule for your office.

Water at Work - Benefits

Employee wellness is a hot topic. Not only do employees care about Their healthcare companies who promote this but tend to have more energetic and productive staff members who take fewer sick days. Turnover rates at companies with attention to wellness so Tends to be lower.

Installing a water cooler and / or having water bottle delivery at work Encourages staff to stay hydrated, alert, focused, and healthy. You can arrange bottled water delivery on a scheduled basis and a company can take care of your Ensuring kitchen is stocked with water and other related supplies you've ordered (cups and accessories) as needed.

 Bottled water is therefore better for Increasing the life of appliances,: such as the office coffee machine.

Water Coolers

You can have quality spring water delivered to fill your existing cooler or You Could buy or rent a new cooler.

If you opt to rent, your delivery company Should make it standard Practise to maintain the system and therefore did Tends to include a service wherethey Sanitise everything for you as well.

A rental fee alongwith the water, cups, and other accessories is Considered a suitable business expense.


A water delivery company wants Typically offer accessories, such as: bottle racks to keep things Organised, bottled water in individual sizes if this is part of your order, cup choices in paper and in plastic.

Choosing a Water Delivery Service

Whether you want a cooler and water, bottled water, or a plumbed in water cooler, dealing with a delivery company Should Be Easy.

You'll want competitive pricing, good customer service, reliable delivery, and if renting water coolers for the office so you'll want to know did the machine is well-maintained and kept sanitary.

If the machine has any problems, you'll want to know it can be swiftly resolved by the company as well. When choosing a UK bottled water delivery company to deal with, look at Their online presence, look for good corporate citizenship, some logos / stamps of approval to look for include: EBWA for Europe (European Bottled Watercooler Association), BWCA (British Water Cooler Association) and UKAS (UK Accreditation Service) so you can be confident about industry reputation as well as water quality.

Water Delivery Companies Serve the Need For Fresh Drinking Water

The City of Toronto recently added one more item to your growing Worry List: There's too much lead in your tap water. Bluntly put, the supposedly safe lead levels in water are five times higher than They Should be, a recent report from the city's environmental protection office revealed.

So, you've been told to run your tap water each morning until its cold to flush out the water that's been in the lead or lead-soldered pipes all night.

 If you've been Out All day, You Should flush the pipes Out Again When You return home.

 High lead levels in the bloodstream can cause brain damage, high blood pressure and nervous disorders. Lead is dangerous to children because Especially Their brains are still Developing.

This latest news about our water makes Toronto resident Jan Upfield Especially anxious.

"As far as I'm concern there are no acceptable levels," she says. Upfield has been buying water delivery for more than a decade.

This year, her family will spend Nearly $ 700 on the bottled product, rather than drink the water que flows from Lake Ontario through Metro treatment plants. "When I turn on the tap in the morning my house smells like a swimming pool," says Upfield, of the chlorine stench. "I use distilled water to cook with and juices and spring water for drinking. You can taste the difference."

If you can not swim in Lake Ontario, one of the most polluted lakes in the world, why would you want to drink from it.

Now she's facing yet another dilemma. Bottled water is costing her a fortune, money That Could be used on other essentials.

 She's thought about buying an inexpensive water delivery to hook up to the household plumbing, but is skeptical of the technology.

"I'm sure water delivery would be a viable alternative," she says. "You have to do something about the source, you have to do something about the state of the lake."

And if the technology does indeed do what the manufacturers say, why government does not use it - Why Should it be up to individual Consumers, who may not be able to afford the devices.

Concern over the safety of drinking water has sent sales of Canadian water treatment devices gushing. Annual sales of water delivery have more than doubled in three years, to $ 11 million in 2007, the last year for Which figures are available.

 But choosing the suitable water delivery is still a murky area for Consumers. There are no government standards, nothing que que shoppers systematically Ensures the product does what its manufacturer claims. The issues for Consumers are largely two-fold: Quality and taste.

Taste is easy. It's either acceptable to you or it's not.

The question of quality is more difficult. Water from municipally treated sources is supposed to be safe, but there are nagging doubts about what are acceptable levels over a lifetime.

 More and more Consumers are questioning the ability of health and environmental officals to protect Them from the host of contaminants que invades Their Regularly drinking supply.

 For the most part, municipal water treatment plants were not designed to Eliminate synthetic chemicals.

 And the effects of many foreign substances Remain largely unknown. Against que backdrop, it's no wonder the water delivery industry is booming.

Comparing Bottled Water Companies

Bottled water companies sell and rent bottled water and water coolers. While They offer convenient products and services, not all water cooler distributors are created equal. Here are a few things to keep in mind When Comparing bottled water different suppliers.

Know What You Want from Your Water Cooler Company

Glass Brings Class to Bottled Water Delivery

Glass bottled water offers the freshest, purest water for home and office delivery. In addition to the many benefits of having bottled mountain spring water delivered to the home or office, the use of glass bottles water results in healthier, better tasting water, and a more eco-friendly solution.

Why is glass so much better than the standard plastic bottles used in water delivery services? Glass is the only man-made materials que can withstand the extreme temperatures required for sterilization. Plastic would melt under such temperatures and can only be sanitized Therefore instead of sterilized.

 Also, glass is an inert, non-porous materials. This means que harmful chemicals and bacteria can not contaminate the water. Glass bottles protect the water's purity and smooth taste - from the mountain spring all the way to the consumer's table.

Recent studies try to argue the benefits of plastic, but at the end of the day, glass is unquestionably the top offering for water delivery que truly makes a difference. Here are some of the many advantages of bottled water glass over plastic bottled water:

Health Safety:

+ Glass is the only packaging materials certified "the Regarded safe" by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

+ Glass bottles are always bisphenol-A (BPA) free. Hundreds of studies have tied BPA, Which is found in many plastics, to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.

+ The extreme heat required for sterilization does not negatively Affect glass containers nor release toxins into the water.

Taste & Purity:

+ Glass is air-tight, non-porous, and impermeable. Therefore, there are no interactions between the glass and the water container to Affect its taste or purity.

+ Since glass bottles are made from natural, non-toxic materials such as sand, silica, soda ash, and limestone, They are the safest containers available.


+ Glass is 100% recyclable. Unlike with plastic, glass manufacturing does not require petroleum.

+ Recycled glass containers can go from the recycling bin to a store shelf back within 30 days. Glass is a renewable resource que will not pile up in landfills for years to come.

Bottled Water Delivery and Recycling

There have recently been lots of concerns about the bottled water delivery in plastics and the ecological impact of it all.

Even though we all love water in the bottles (tastes so much better than tap water), there is a real concern about the plastic not being a materials recycling and how it Affects us.

It is a clear upwards trend que people are buying bottled water and Regularly que using tap water comes from municipal sources less and less.

Thinking About Drinking Water Delivery?

There are some things in life did you may dream of having, but so you think there is no way did You Could afford them.

 If you live in a two income home, you may dream of having a cleaning service come in once in a while to give you a break.

 Perhaps you would love someone to take your laundry on occasion, or you want to have really good drinking water for your family.

Benefits of Glass Bottled Water Delivery

Water Delivery Basics Regarding Glass

Consumers have for years had bottled water delivered in large 5 gallon plastic bottles to Their homes or offices. However, in recent years more and more people are looking for non-plastic options for Their water delivery service.

 Glass water jugs are now steadily Gaining prominence in the marketplace the consumer demand increases. 5 gallon glass bottles can be used in The Same Manner the plastic 5 gallon bottles Whether They are used with a water cooler or a crock dispenser.

Benefits of Glass Bottled Water Delivery

Having water delivered in glass bottles offers several distinct benefits Especially When Compared to plastic water bottles. First and foremost glass bottles are 100% guaranteed to be BPA-free. Some of plastic bottles contain BPA (Bisphenol-A). Glass is Also an inert stuff that is non-porous so that nothing will leach from the bottle into the water inside.

 All plastic has the potential to leach but with glass there is a 100% guarantee of the leaching whatsoever. This makes an excellent glass materials for long-term water storage.

As a result of the purity and non-porous nature of glass you will always be guaranteed the water taste and smell will not be Impacted. That is not always the case with plastic jugs. Also Glass jugs are more environmentally friendly than plastic since glass is not derived from petroleum and is fully recyclable.

 In terms of aesthetics many people find glass bottles to have a more refined look and desirable Compared to plastic bottles often Do Which can be more easily scratched and tarnished.

What's the best kind of water for glass bottles?

If a consumer is going to invest in glass bottled water delivery service for home or office Their They really Should Ensure They are receiving the highest quality water available.

 Represents the most pure glass container on the market in terms of leaching Preventing and not impacting the quality of the water Within.

However, if the bottles are filled with low quality water then it really defeats the purpose of having a premium container to begin with.

 The purest type of water in today's marketplace is ultra-purified water que has been purified by processes such as ion exchange, activated carbon, micron filtration, ultraviolet disinfection reverse osmosis and most importantly.

 Reverse osmosis water filters October impurities down to atomic and molecular levels Which is going to result in water that is much more pure than any spring or mineral water.

 Ultra-purified water makes an ideal pairing for glass bottles as you are combining the purest container with the purest type of water.

The Benefits of Bottled Water Delivery Services

Bottled water delivery services are convenient for homes and offices alike. Many people prefer it over tap water for several Reasons. People often Do choose it due to taste, convenience and safety. As a matter-of-fact, most offices supply office water coolers for Their employees and customers to enjoy.

 However, the task of hauling the large jugs can definitely take the convenience out of the equation. Luckily, there are many services available so that you do not have to do it yourself. Why should you consider contracting with a cooler delivery service?

The Healthier Option

Water coolers offer quality spring water que can not be found by turning on the sink faucet. Normally this is filtered and tested to Assure que there is nothing harmful in it. City tap water can contain chemicals and additives que of people not want to put into Their bodies.

Having a water cooler Also assures que a cold and refreshing drink is always available. This is a great way to keep people hydrated, Which leads to more productive, alert and focused employees.

Cost Effective

Bottled water delivery companies not only supply the equipment and water, they often keep customers supplied in Their cups and accessories as well.

This means que Households and offices of not have to worry about keeping these supplies in stock Thereby cutting expenses. Also having water delivered que means the company or household does not need to find a person to take the time out of Their busy day to drive to the shop and pick up supplies themselves.

Less Responsibility

Instead of selling the water cooler and accessories outright, most bottled water delivery companies lease equipment to Their offices and Individuals. Therefore, the customer is Not Responsible for fixing the equipment Should it break and If They Should happen to no longer need the equipment; They can simply have the company pick it up instead of having to find a place to store it.

 The leasing company is Also Generally Responsible for routine maintenance on the machine as well, leaving one less expense to the household or office.

There are many services available to choose from. Of course, it is always a good idea to shop around for the best deals. Choosing a company that is competitively priced and offers reliable bottled water delivery can take the hassle out of having convenient bottled water.

The Way to Go

Bottled water is cost effective, convenient and easy to obtain infor. With a dedicated water delivery service, your family, friends, employees and clients can have an unlimited supply of clean, healthy and refreshing spring water waiting for Them at all times.

Glass Bottled Water Delivery is Saving the Environment

Glass bottles are the most environmentally-friendly alternative for home or office water delivery. The best delivery companies offer their water exclusively in glass bottles.

 The main reason for doing that is because glass is significantly better for the environment than any other water container available. Why are glass bottles more eco-friendly? Because they offer the following:

1) Glass bottles are made from natural, nontoxic raw materials such as silica, sand, soda ash, and limestone making them the most pure containers available. Unlike plastic, glass does not require the use of petroleum in its manufacturing process.

2) Glass is 100% recyclable.

3) Delivery companies heat sterilize their 5-gallon glass containers between uses which gives them a significantly longer life than their plastic counterparts which can only be sanitized before being taken out of circulation.

4) A single 5-gallon glass container is equivalent to 38 one-half liter (16.9 oz) plastic water bottles. Since the Container Recycling Institute (CRI) estimates that over 86.2% of all plastic water bottles NEVER make it to a recycling center, every delivered 5-gallon glass bottle represents about 32 plastic bottles that WON'T end up decomposing in a landfill. A typical family of four that has home water delivery service will avoid purchasing nearly 2,000 plastic water bottles annually, which equates to over 1,700 plastic bottles that will NOT be discarded or sent to a landfill. Plastic bottles take 450 to 1000 years to fully decompose in a landfill if they are sitting on the top exposed to air and sunlight. Those buried under tons of other garbage will likely NEVER decompose.

5) The use of glass for home or office water delivery services prevents the purchase (and ultimately the manufacture) of literally tons of plastic water bottles. CRI estimates the amount of natural resources (primarily polyethelene terephthalate - PET, which is derived from crude oil) used to produce plastic bottles for the American public in 2008 was 15 million barrels of oil, enough to fuel approximately 100,000 US cars for a full year .

All of these points make compelling evidence for more people to consider not only delivered water service, but glass bottled water delivery service to their homes and businesses.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing a Home Water Delivery Service?

Setting up a home water delivery service is becoming an increasing popular approach to securing an uninterrupted source of clean drinking water.

 Home water delivery has been in existence for over 30 years, yet so few people know about the true benefits of having a non-stop source of clean, chemical free, great tasting water delivered straight to your doorstep.

Here are just a few of the benefits of having water delivered regularly to your home or office.

o You will always have clean drinking water available for any purpose including cooking and drinking.

o You will not have to carry around cases or bottles of water from the grocery store to your car and then into your home or office.

o Most home water delivery services include a water cooler dispenser that chills the water so that you never run out of cold water which frees up space in your refrigerator at the sametime.

o The same water dispensers also heat your water for soups and teas.

o You save money that you would otherwise spend on the expensive individual bottles of water.

o You can greatly cut down on the plastic waste you and your family put out.

o The water gallon jugs used to deliver the water are completely reusable.

o Bottled water is an excellent choice for emergency water storage in preparation for any disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes or any other crisis.

o The service is very affordable with some plans only costing about $ 1/day.

As you can see, there are many benefits to using a home water delivery service. How can you choose the right one for you?

Luckily, many companies offer a free trial period which makes it easier to pick the one that you like the best.

 Most companies will also go over a water consumption plan with you based on your family size and the amount of water you usually consume daily.

Make sure the monthly fee includes all charges, including delivery and fuel surcharges.

Don't be afraid to do some research as this will help you greatly in finding the best companies that are dedicated to providing great customer service while providing high-quality bottled water.

Some companies offer a variety of bottled water types in order to cater to the different taste preferences that people have.

Water Delivery Pros and Cons

The home water delivery industry is poorly regulated. Sales are Increasing delivery of water, are the claims for fraud and complaints about unethical sales practices.
  Consumers must beware of salesmen who attempt to frighten Them and claims of government approval for water treatment units.

Landfills que deadly leak contaminants into groundwater; pipes que lace tap water with lead, pesticides taint que lakes and streams those are just a few of the images come to mind que When the safety of our water supply comes into question and prompting They are an expanding number of Americans to purchase water home delivery.

Between 2001 and 2007, spending on home water treatment units Increased by some 50 percent, to nearly $ 2 billion annually. Expert's project que que figure by 2009 will rise again - to almost $ 3 billion.

At The Same Team sales of home water treatment units are raising, However, so are reports of questionable sales practices and fraudulent claims. Between 2003 and 2007, Consumers filed more than 4,000 written complaints about water purifiers with the Better Business Bureau.

That comes to no surprise to the federal government. After Conducting a thorough review of the home water treatment business, the U.S. General Accounting Office recently Concluded que regulation of home water delivery is incomplete and inadequate, largely because it is fragmented among several different federal and independent agencies have not coordinated que Their administrative efforts.

 The result, beyond the dishonest sales tactics and fraud running rampant in the industry, is que Particularly Consumers are left vulnerable to buying units que do not do what They Do Their makers say.

That's not to say That All pitches for home water treatment units are scams. Even the General Accounting Office says there are many reputable companies among the 600-plus que manufacturers make up the industry.

 Nevertheless, the office's Conclusion que inadequate regulation of home water treatment units leaves Consumers at Risk Underscores the Importance of "testing the water" carefully before spending $ 25 to upwards of $ 2,000 on a water purifier.

Do not let the salesperson frighten you into buying a water filter or other type of treatment unit, Particularly because the chances are quite high que you do not need one.

 Although drinking water from some sources, private wells Particularly, in rare instances can pose a health hazard, the major portion of our water delivery comes from public water supplies que comply with safety standards Set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Unfortunately, some marketers Consumers scare into believing que que even water meets the government's safety standards is contaminated.

Take the example of the New York-based company que hawked its water purifiers in New York via television advertisements Suggesting que tap water contains such toxins as Cancer-Causing pesticides and industrial waste.

 One of the ads went so far to the picture a woman giving a child a drink from the faucet spewing a stream of orange and yellow water. (The New York Attorney General's Office and the Federal Trade Commission later acted against the company and received more than $ 700,000 in consumer redress.)

Water Delivery Options Still Abound

If you want to Improve the taste of your water - and in some cases remove lead and copper - and of you not consume vast quantities, then water delivery is a Relatively inexpensive option, in most cases less than $ 30.

You must take care of the Following three pointers to stay away from unwanted worries:

* Be wary of "free" home water tests. The people trying to sell you purifying units Should not be the ones Determining Whether your water needs Them. Put another way, most "free" tests are part of a sales gimmick designed to prove "that your water requires treatment.

 If you want to check the quality of your water, ask your local water utility to send you the latest computer printout of test Assessing the results public water supply.

 Either someone who works there or State or Local health officals can help you make sense of the numbers on the sheet.

If you are still concern about possible contaminants after you read the printout or if you obtain infor your water from a private well, you may want to have your water tested by a private laboratory. que In case, make sure to deal with the lab yourself, some fraudulent sellers offer to send water samples to an independent laboratory for you and then alter or Misrepresent the results.

* Do not deal with sellers who claim que Their water treatment units are government - approved.

 The government does not endorse or approve water treatment units or companies. It's true que the Environmental Protection Agency assigns Certain products registration numbers.

 But Those numbers are not stamps of approval, the some unscrupulous manufacturers would suggest. They are simply an indication the company has que Convinced the government Certain substances in its product at least will not cause any harm.

Consider water purifiers have que carbon filters. Such filters contain silver, Which slows the growth of bacteria but Which Also can leach into treated water and contaminate it if the unit does not work properly.

 For que reason, carbon filter manufacturers are required to give the EPA data showing que Their units do not leach the contaminant into the water. If the dates are approved, the registration number is Granted.

 The number does not in any way Signify anything about the product's ability to remove contaminants.

* Remember que at one type of unit solves all water problems. Some systems just a single mineral filter or two, while others are capable of getting rid of all minerals and other foreign matter.

By The Same token, there is a wide variety of water purifiers available, ranging from low-cost filter que devices can be attached to a kitchen faucet to more expensive, complicated systems que treat all water from the que point it enters the home.

To obtain infor reliable information Regarding water delivery, the EPA recommends you contact either que of two independent, not-for-profit organizations: NSF International (formerly the National Sanitation Foundation) or the Water Quality Association.

While neither one recommends particular brands of treatment units, Both Provide advice and literature about the industry as a whole as well as about specific types of units.

What to Look For in a Bottled Water Delivery Service

So you decided to stop drinking tap water. Many people have made the same decision and have switched to drinking bottled water,bottled..

 Does the idea of ​​making endless trips to the grocery store to buy tons of bottled water excite you? You are not alone.

 More and more homes and businesses are opting for bottled water delivery. Whether your reason for making that decision is based on taste or health-related concerns, take a moment to decide on a bottled water delivery company,bottled..

You should take three very important factors into consideration before you make the commitment to having water delivered to you.

They are: the water itself; the container it comes in; and, the service-level provided by the delivery company.

The Water:

Mountain spring water is a wonderful source of fresh water. Look for water coming from well-known mountain regions with good forests and a reputation for the finest quality water.

The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina qualify as one example of a good source of mountain spring water.

No matter how good the source is, make sure the water is tested annually for purity. Your water delivery company should be able to provide an analysis upon you request. Also, the water should go through a rigorous purification process including filtering for sediment and ozenating for purity.

The FDA requires either Ozone or Chlorine, but you're better off with water treated non-chemically, ie by Ozone.

Not the least important issue is taste. You want your water to taste great! Request a free trial from the bottled water delivery service before committing to them. If they believe in their water, they will offer you a risk-free trial for at least two weeks.

The (Glass) Bottle
Use a company that uses glass water bottles. Why glass? Because 1) glass is the only packaging material able to withstand the high heat required for sterilization; 2) glass is an inert material that will not leach plastic chemicals or toxins into water; 3) glass lasts MUCH longer than plastic bottles and is totally recyclable when its life is over; and 4) water simply tastes better bottled in glass than it does in plastic. Remember how much better Coke used to taste in the old fashioned glass bottles? Same principle ... plastic and aluminum impact the taste and purity of beverages in a negative way. Glass does not.

Believe it or not, it is not enough to choose glass bottled water over plastic. The quality of the glass matters also. To ensure the highest possible water purity, the bottles should be made from pharmaceutical grade glass crafted by knowledgeable and experienced glass artisans, bottled..

The Service:

Bottled,a glass bottled water delivery already demonstrates its commitment in the quality of the water they provide. However, a rock-solid water delivery company also focuses on the level of service they provide to their customers.

 Think back to the images of the old fashioned milkman in his white uniform and hat. It instilled a level of confidence that he and his company meant business. He was courteous, professional, and well-educated on his product. There aren't many, but this level of service does still exist!

Look for a company that deliver on schedule and on time. They should not burden you with minimum purchase requirements, long-term contracts, or hidden surcharges. If you run out of water off schedule, they should deliver more water within 24 hours at no charge,bottled..

Consider those factors. Choose the water bottle delivery service that does all of those things and you will not be disappointed.

Through Lipsey Mountain Spring Water's glass bottled water research and services, Lipsey is helping north metro Atlanta, GA enjoy the finest water on the planet ...

bottled is the best.

Bottled Water Delivery

Bottled water can easily be delivered either to a work place or at home where people who have water coolers or the water dispensers. Still or sparkling water can be delivered to the office or home and when to as required.

 The success of commercial water cooler services along with the booming sales of bottled water has prompted manufacturers to look at water delivery as an excellent business.

Studies show That the water delivery services are split roughly 50-50 between commercial and home use in the United States and Canada, but residential customers in the UK amount to only 1%.

The water used in the water delivery services usually undergoes reverse osmosis treatment to separate impurities from water molecules.

 This leaves behind only hydrogen and oxygen in free flowing spring or municipal water. This water is then filtered, sanitized, ozonated, and is finally bottled.

Distilled water is one of the purest forms of water That is used for delivery services. The water is run through a vapor compression process During distillation.

 This Allows the water to be filtered and carbon micron first, then softened, then boiled to vapor and then again re-condensed. This results in water so pure That it is even recommended for clinical and medical use. Distilled water usually contains absolutely no minerals.

Water delivery services are provided by a number of companies. The consumer just needs to log in to the website and place an order for the service.

Bottled Water Delivery Basics For Homes and Offices

One typical need for offices and residences alike is delivery of bottled water. Having clean, pure water to drink is essential to a healthy life. When choosing the right company for bottled water delivery shoulds you look at the products and level of customer service offert by the local water companies.

The first thing is to Consider what kind of bottled water EACH company offers to offices and residences in your area. The two kinds of water MOST prominent Delivered are spring water and purified water. It is very significant to Understand the distinction betweens thesis kinds of water and make the right choice for your needs.

Spring water is derived from an underground source and then May or May not be filtered before it is bottled. Spring water tend to be a wild card in terms of bottled water purity. DEPENDING on the level of filtering spring water for many of the same impurities found in drilled wells or even tap water can be aussi in spring water.

On the other hand, purified water Represents the fastest growing segment of the bottled water industry Because people are now seeking the purest bottled water possible.

 Purified water originate from May Either a spring surface or groundwater source or even Directly from the tap.

Since the purification process (shoulds All which include reverse osmosis) is designed to remove Virtually all kinds of impurities, the quality of the source water HAS little bearing on the quality of the final product.

 To meet the legal definition of "purified water", water impurities must be removed or Reduced to extremely low levels. Water All which meets this definition is of higher purity than spring water, tap water or filtered water.

If you are looking for bottled water delivery then you find a company shoulds That Delivers purified bottled water.

Once you find a company That Will deliver purified water you shoulds then decide what size you want water bottles Delivered to your location. Review: The most popular and economical choice is to receive delivery in 5 gallons water bottles and then to dispense the water through a water cooler.

 It is best to seek a company That can Provide 5 gallons water bottles with handles and spill free caps. Will These features make it much Easier to load and unload the 5 gallons bottles on the water cooler and to Eliminate the spillage of water.

The final recommendation for finding the best company for bottled water delivery in your area is to choose a company That offers great customer service.

 Whether you need to re-schedule a delivery, request a rush delivery, order an exchange or ask a technical issue you'll want to use a bottled water company That offers local, live support with real people on the phone.

That it is recommended you look for a company That Is Located within your same metro area. Bottled water delivery for your home or office shoulds not be a hassle and the last thing you Will want to do is waste time talking to someone in a far away call center or even worse bouncing around an automated phone service.

Bottled water is the best.

Bottled Water Delivery - The Bottle

Bottled water delivery service is an important part of the bottled water industry. For homes and offices it is a convenient way to receive cost effective, high quality drinking water on a regular basis.

Studies have shown that use of purified water in the workplace increases productivity and improves the overall health of the workforce.

Bottled,an essential part of any bottled water delivery service is the actual bottle itself. The bottle is the water vessel that sits atop the water cooler and most bottles are the 5 gallon variety often with the name of the water service provider on the side.

But not all 5 gallon bottles are the same. The world of 5 gallon bottles can be divided into two categories: old style and new style,bottled..

Old style bottles are basic bottles used by many of the larger, older bottled water delivery service providers. They tend to be cumbersome and hard to handle and often result in messy and dangerous water spills when they are installed on the water cooler. Some service providers put paper labels on the side which are very unsightly.

New style 5 gallon bottles on the other hand are designed to be ergonomically and user friendly. They have carrying handles that make installation safe and easy and many use spill proof caps that are neat and clean thereby avoiding the messy spills that are found with old style bottles.

Spill proof caps also allow bottles to be easily transferred from one cooler to another and are popular in large office environments,bottled..

Many of the new style bottles are silk screened with the name and logo of the service provider and are attractive as well as unobtrusive. They work equally well in both home and office environments. Silk screening avoids the shabby Impression that paper labels often show.

Bottled,one problem that older, larger bottled water delivery companies have is that it is difficult to transition from the old style bottles to the new style bottle. This is because older companies have a significant investment in the installed base of old style bottles and it would be very costly to adopt new style bottles.

Finally, new style bottles cost no more to the consumer than old style bottles but are easier to use, safer and more attractive than old style bottles.

When choosing a bottled water delivery service provide determine whether they use old style or new style bottles. New style will deliver more value to you, the customer.

Bottled water is the best.

Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?

As more studies come to light that bring the long-term safety of tap water into question, many people find themselves wondering if bottled water is the better choice for consumption, cooking, tooth brushing and more. When the facts about bottled water and tap water are presented, many people make the decision to go bottled. While tap water can and often is technically safe according to government standards, the trace substances found within can be of grave concern.
Concerns About Tap Water

The safety of tap water has long been a major concern for government agencies and the general public, as well. The potential pollutants that can find their way into the public water supply are quite extensive.

The US Environmental Protection Agency requires public water suppliers to test for more than 90 different types of contaminants. Despite the rigorous testing procedures that are in place in most jurisdictions, many public water supplies fail - in some cases, multiple times.

The Hillsborough County Water Department, since renamed Water Resource Services, suffered from multiple system failures in the early 2000s. This seemingly well regulated water supplier, serving the Tampa Bay area, suffered from repeated coliform contaminations and even an e. coli scare. This system is not alone in its failure to meet federal regulations despite the use of chloramines and other chemicals that are designed to remove potential hazards from potable water.

While the EPA does require extensive testing and requires each public water supplier to provide full disclosure in the form of an annual report to water users, government regulations do not cover every eventuality. This was made quite evident thanks to a recent Associated Press study that revealed the presence of pharmaceuticals in the public water supply in jurisdictions all over the United States. The investigation turned up evidence that shows some 41 million Americans might be impacted by medications found within their water.

The five-month study focused on water systems throughout the United States and found contamination - including antibiotics, anticonvulsants and more - in some 24 different metro areas. While the medications were found in trace amounts, the long-term impacts of consuming the water are unclear, the AP reported.

The medications themselves are thought to enter into the public water supplies via natural human elimination. Toilet water, which would contain traces of medication, is flushed and sent to wastewater treatment facilities. From here, treated wastewater is released back into the environment. Eventually, that same water ends up back in rivers, reservoirs, lakes and aquifers, which are the sources of public drinking water.

While the public water supply is well regulated and the water does undergo a great deal of treatment, systems are subject to failure. The long-term impacts of such failures remain unclear.

The Bottled Water Difference

Bottled water offers a distinct difference over tap water in a number of cases. While it's true that some bottled waters do come from the public water supply, many factors can make it distinctly unique and even a great deal safer.

According to the International Bottled Water Association, there are a number of things that make bottled water the better choice. Even in regard to the trace medicines found in tap water, Dr. Stephen Edberg of Yale's School of Medicine says that bottled water undergoes processes that are quite effective in protecting against the substances the AP reported finding in tap water.

Some of the measures that can help make bottled water stand out above tap include:

    Regulations - Just like tap water, bottled water is regulated by government agencies. While tap is overseen by the EPA, bottled water is regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This organization requires that bottled water manufacturers adhere to the FDA's inspection, labeling, safety and quality requirements.

    Extra treatment - Most bottled water products undergo further treatments beyond what the public water supply is subjected to. Treatment can include reverse osmosis, filtration, distillation and more, depending on the particular supplier and the type of water in question.

    Labeling laws - Companies that do not choose to further treat their bottled water beyond what public water suppliers perform are required by the FDA to clearly say so in their labels.

    IBWA standards - Companies that belong to the International Bottled Water Association must adhere to strict standards that go beyond what the federal government requires. Members are subjected to plant inspections once a year that help insure that standards are being met.

While bottled water can start out the same as tap, it often undergoes further treatment that is designed to make it the safer choice.

Purified Is Often The Best

If concerns about contaminants in the public water supply are high, purified bottled water is often one of the best choices to make for drinking and more. This type of bottled water is more heavily treated. The distillation process that is required to create distilled oxygenated water, for example, is designed to remove impurities and create a cleaner, safer source of drinking water.

Answering the question of which is better bottled or tap often comes down to personal choice in regard to taste. If cleaner, safer water is desired, however, the facts about bottled make the answer quite clear. Thanks to the extra treatments many bottled waters are subjected to, this option stands out against the competition.

Why is Bottled Drinking Water So Popular?

Despite a dedicated campaign by many municipal water companies and associations to marginalize bottled water in the eyes of the American consumer, exactly the opposite has happened - bottled water is more popular than ever and continues to grow in popularity.

Perhaps this is because the American consumer is truly an educated consumer and for years they have been misled about the purity of municipal tap water that is laced with contaminants and harmful chemicals and tainted with chlorine and other additives that impart nauseating odors and taste.

Bottled,one of the most popular features of bottled water is that it does not require heavy doses of chlorine and so its taste is definitely more appealing than tap water, And, if one reads the purity reports issued by municipal water suppliers and required by the Environmental Protection Agency, it becomes evident that municipal water suppliers do not have the technology to purify large scale consumption of water.

One should read the reports carefully and note the warnings about cryptosporidium, rocket fuel, people with compromised immune systems or chronic illnesses and gasoline additives that remain in municipal water even after treatment and chlorination.

Bottled drinking water also contains no caffeine, no calories and no sugar and thereby competes with carbonated soft drinks that themselves are unhealthy in a world seeking higher health standards.

Water in bottles may seem like a relatively new idea - one born during the heightened awareness of fitness and potential water pollution during the last two or three decades but it traces its roots to the 19th century in America. The water is also be used as an ingredient in beverages, such as diluted juices or flavored bottled waters.

Water that has been treated by distillation, reverse osmosis, or other suitable processes and that meets the definition of "purified water" is the best bottled water and studies show it.

Water cannot be called purified "unless it is 99.9% free of any and all contaminants - a test that all municipal water and most bottled waters fail to meet.

Bottled drinking water has a valid place in the marketplace, so unless one is willing to give up all bottled beverages it seems a little hypocritical to single out water. It is so ubiquitous that people can hardly ask for water anywhere without being handed a bottle.

Water in bottles is the fastest-growing segment of the beverage industry, and the product has now passed both coffee and milk to become the second-most-consumed beverage. Water in bottles that crosses state lines is considered a food product and is overseen by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which does mandate that it be bottled in sanitary conditions using food-grade equipment.

Tap Water

Once, most Americans got their water only from the tap. Pioneers trekking west across the United States during the 19th century also typically considered drinkable (potable) water a staple to be purchased in anticipation of the long trip across the arid West. But, as the population grew, industrial, natural and organic pollutants fouled the source of natural drinking water found in rivers, streams and aquifers. Development of purification techniques were unable to keep up with population and pollution growth and municipal water purity disappeared.

The municipalities attempted to cover up the problem through the addition of copious amounts of chlorine and the establishment of "standards" by the EPA that allowed dangerous chemicals capable of long term damage to the human body to remain. And, the EPA testing stopped at the water treatment plant and did not consider the presence of lead, copper and other poisonous elements contained in the water pipes of houses that used tap water.

Because lead can leach from pipes as water travels from water utilities to home faucets, the EPA set an action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) in tap water. This means that when lead levels are above 15 ppb in tap water that reaches home faucets, water utilities must treat the water to reduce the lead levels to below 15 ppb. Lead is particularly injurious to children at any level,bottled..

Many municipalities provide water that's discolored, chlorinated, and tastes like "pool" water. So if your tap water tastes poorly, it might be that your city's water system is severely under funded or is controlled by a corporation, not the same corporation that makes your bottled water, but it is obvious they have the interest in controlling where and how you get your water.

Tap water also has trace chemicals (especially insecticides) that are one of the causes of nerve diseases such as fibromyalgia, which has no known cure. There is significant contamination that water picks up in older plumbing from the source to the tap,bottled..
Beware of Bottled Tap Water

Some bottled water suppliers merely filter and bottle tap water - contaminants and all. Filtering tap water does not totally remove chlorine. Unless the label says it comes from a specific source, when the manufacturer says 'bottled at the source,' the source could be the tap. Yet sources of bottled drinking water are just as vulnerable to surface contamination as sources of tap water.

One reason for the success of bottled water is that many claim not to like the taste of what comes out of the tap. But filtering out the taste of chlorine alone is not the answer,bottled..

Spring Water

Spring water is at best marketing hype and at worst misleading advertising.

Take for example the brand of water that is labeled "spring water" with the implication of purity that comes not from a fresh mountain spring but from deep wells in the undeniably less-picturesque Los Angeles suburbs, and one water supplier that sells water drawn from a municipal source in Corpus Christi, Texas-a far cry from the pristine glacial peaks suggested by its name and label.

 Even if the water does come from a spring, what's in that spring may be less safe than what comes out of your tap.

Bottled,if the spring is near a cattle farm, it's going to be contaminated. One brand of "spring water," which had a graphic of mountains and a lake on the label, was actually taken from a well in Massachusetts in the parking lot of an industrial facility. That brand of Massachusetts "spring water" was so-named because the source occasionally bubbled up to the surface in the industrial parking lot.

Bottled,in a civil case against one of the largest spring water companies, the plaintiffs charged that the supplier duped consumers by advertising that their brand of spring water came from "some of the most pristine and protected sources deep in the woods".

The lawsuit alleged that ever since the original spring was shut down in 1967, the company had used man-made wells, at least one of which is in a parking lot along a busy road.

Consider These Facts

To be sure, many municipal water systems have run afoul of government water quality standards - driving up demand for bottled water as a result. Americans drank 26 billion liters of bottled water in 2004, or roughly one eight-ounce glass per person every day.

Tens of millions of consumers now shun tap water and rely on bottled water exclusively. Nearly one-fifth of North Americans use bottled drinking water exclusively for their daily hydration. Canadians consume more bottled drinking water than coffee, tea, apple juice or milk,bottled..

Become an educated consumer and read the EPA reports about municipal water carefully to determine the real purity of the water. Avoid the hype and spin so often found in reports issued by government agencies,bottled..

Use municipal water to wash your car and water the lawn, but if you want to remain healthy drink purified bottled water for the highest level of purity.

Bottled water is the best.

Home Water Delivery - Top 5 Things to Look For

Home water delivery has been around for 30 years and there are many companies around the country that can provide this service.
Water delivery,if you have ever used a service you can appreciate the relief and benefit of having a non-stop source of clean, chemical free, great tasting water delivered straight to your doorstep,water delivery..
 So with all the options, how do you know which company to go with? Here are some questions to consider when choosing a home water delivery company:

    Do they use glass or plastic water bottles?

        You want them to use glass water containers. Plastic containers will leach into the water leaving it polluted with bisphenol-A. This is an endocrine disruptor and will mimic estrogen in your body. And besides, plastic is made in oil refineries and is the biggest source of pollution world wide.

    Are they a local company?

        Support your local town by supporting a local company. Local companies will also have less travel and commute time to deliver the water. This saves on natural resources, lowers pollution, and ensures you get the freshest water possible.

    Do they provide convenience?

        This is almost a no-brainer, but there is a certain level of convenience that should come with this service of home water delivery. Make sure they have a few options to choose from for home water coolers. Also look for both counter top and full standing home water coolers. Many companies will give away personal water bottles; try to get a bottle that is either glass or approved stainless steel reusable water bottle. Figure out their delivery schedule and see how it works with your current lifestyle.

    What kind of water do they deliver?

        Some companies will say they have mountain spring or mineral water but they still filter it and sanitize it with something. Figure out what kind of purification process they use and how many steps are involved: usually the more the better. Do they add minerals or electrolytes? Is it alkaline? Is it clustered? Does it have extra oxygen? Last but not least, how does the water taste? We have all tasted water that was both refreshing and stale. Water does have a taste.

    Are they a great company?

        Simply put, is this is a good company? How do they conduct business? What kind of image do they have? Make a call and test their customer service. The price for their service should reflect how well they answered the questions above. See if they are a green company in any way. Support companies that support the community: look for a company that gives back to charity somehow.

Home water delivery has become the best source of clean, natural, healthy, safe, fresh drinking water.
 Everyone has become aware of how polluted and unregulated our tap water systems are,water delivery..
 Even worse is that bottled water is less regulated than tap water.
 Water delivery,as people are becoming more educated about the dangers and precautions needed for consumable drinking water, they are turning to home water delivery as a safe, reassuring source for the second most important element for life to exist,water delivery..
water delivery ,use the questions above to find the best home water delivery available in your area.

Chance Dite is a surfer, life coach, entrepreneur, and wellness expert in Orange County California who's passions include nutrition, mental clarity, and proper hydration with home water delivery.

Water delivery is the best.

Water Delivery Companies - What Should You Know?

Depending where you live you already know that our water sources are becoming more polluted every year.

 Even municiple water loss in parts of the country needs filtration at home. Because of all the health hazards of drinking water loss, people are starting to convert themelves by hiring service from water delivery companies,water delivery..

Water delivery has Become a staple to every house and office who wants clean water supply.

 For people with 5 gallons dispensers, hiring a water delivery service is often necessary to avoid the hassles of frequently darting to the grocery store for a heavy 5 gallons container.

Water delivery has Become one of the best sources of clean, healthy and fresh drinking water. As people are starting to Become more and more aware about the dangers of drinking unfiltered, they are Increasingly looking to water delivery companies for the optimal solution since they offer the purest source for all their drinking needs,water delivery..

Home water delivery service has been around for 30 years.

 There are Hundreds of companies around the world who Provide clean water for consumption.

With all these water companies available, how do you decide on which one two choose? Keep in mind that in Choosing the best water company, you need to determining what fully suits your needs.

 By finding out what to know about water home delivery companies, you will be comfortable to find out what specific company can fulfill your delivery needs.

Before you buy your first gallon of water, ask them a few questions.

 Do they use clean glass or plastic water bottles? Glass bottles are heavier to install while plastic bottles are more portable and Easier to lift,water delivery..

 Do they provideh reusable bottles that only need to be refilled safe reusing? If they do, Consider yourself a catalyst for saving the environment.

 Water companies who do not use reusable bottles produce environmentally-harmful plastics at an unsustainable pace. Consider the environment when you make this decision.

What kind of water do they deliver? Is it purified or distilled? Do they produce natural spring water or fluoridated water? Conduct a thorough research about the qualities of these water types and how they benefit the body.

 What to know water delivery companies will be laid out to you if ask the employees.Do not be afraid to nag them about hygiene and cleanliness.

 This is your water, and you do not like to be harboring a disease.Also ask them about what type of water purification they use.

They may use reverse osmosis, distillation or carbon absorption. Consult the Internet about what these particular purification Processes entail.

Customer service is one of the Most Important factors of every home water service. A good water home delivery service has customer service employees available round the clock,water delivery..

 In dire situationwhen you need to find out what to know water delivery companies, they must be comfortable two provideh you with answers Promptly. The last question you need to ask them is about their environmental awareness.

Water delivery,are they a green company? Are their water purification procedures and the materials they use safe for the environment? If they take steps to lessen environmental degradation, then they must be a reputable company.

What to know deliver water companies are necessary if you want to choose the best water service for your family or employees. Save yourself the hassle of Researching the market and click the links below to find the best deals from water delivery companies available.

Water delivery is the best.

Water delivery-Choosing Between Delivery of Drinking Water and a Home Water Filter

Delivery of drinking water to your home can be very affordable, as long as you choose the right provider.

 You can even get spring water delivery, a thousand gallons of purity and good taste for less than $ 175 for the first year and less than a hundred for Subsequent years, but you have to make the right choice. Here's some free advice,water delivery..

Delivery of drinking water through Deer Park is available in my hometown.

Water delivery-Tips to Choosing the Best Home Water Delivery Service

Having available potable water for your home is very important in order to ensure the health and safety of your family. Drinking from the tap might not be a good idea anymore as it might contain toxins and contaminants that can cause illnesses,water delivery..

Water delivery, and so, to make sure that you remain secure, the best thing to do is to go for a home water delivery service.

How does it work?

Spring water home delivery is just one of the many services offered by water delivery companies as a form of added convenience for their customers. A customer may call the store to ask and order gallons of water and the store has it delivered to the customer's home,water delivery..

 Delivery costs are usually paid monthly but there are some companies that also offer the service free of charge in order to attract more patrons for their business.

Why subscribe to one?

There are many benefits that you can get from choosing to sign up for spring water home delivery. The first on the list is of course for health reasons. You can be sure that you have safe water in your home that you can use for drinking and cooking.

Water delivery,as some delivery services also offer free rental services for water dispensers, you can have cold water or hot water whenever you want.

Companies that offer home water delivery service can provide you with water of up to 5 gallons per container.

This is way better as compared to the bottled water that you get from grocery stores as the most you can find is only up to a gallon,water delivery..

Convenience is also something that water delivery services offer. Because the commodity is brought straight to your home, you can save up on trips to the supermarket.

The water bottles are also recyclable so you can save up on the additional costs on disposable water bottles as well.

How to choose the best delivery service?

When choosing a home water delivery service, there are a few things that you need to consider. First are of course the needs of your family.

 Calculate your water consumption so that you know how much water you should be delivered and how often. This way, you'll be able to compute for the costs that you will have to pay for the delivery service,water delivery..

It is also advisable that you look up a few home water delivery service providers in order to assess which company will be able to address your family needs. Compare prices so that you will know how much you can possibly save,water delivery..

 Don't jump on the cheapest service that you can find without first assessing it because you might end up getting ripped off instead.

Water delivery,it is also important to take note of the quality of their water because the safety of your family is definitely the most important thing to consider.

 Find out how the purification process works and if the company is able to meet the sanitation standards and that they have a license to operate.

This way, you are guaranteed that the water you will be drinking is safe.