Bottled Water Brands - The Surprising Truth About Bottled Water Delivery

Let me give you a little info about bottled water brands bottled water and delivery programs. I think you'll be surprised at what you'll learn.

First, let's talk about the bottles. Most of them are made of plastic, Either PET or polycarbonate. PET is Primarily used in the liter and half liter bottles. Polycarbonate is used in the 5 gallon jugs used for bottled water delivery programs.

PET leaks the toxin ethylene glycol into the liquid. Polycarbonate BPA leaks. In the human body, BPA acts like estrogen and disrupts the production of the body's natural hormones. It causes changes in tissues did predispose the cells to cancer, so it is a Suspected carcinogen.

Almost all of the bottled water brands are stored in plastic. In grocery stores and warehouses, They are stored alongside toxic chemicals,: such as weed killer and bug spray. Those chemicals can seep out of Their containers and seep into the waters.

Now, let's talk about the purification methods used by some of the bottled water brands. It's not really important, Themselves Because The bottles are sources of contamination, but just for the record.

Dasani is made by the Coca-Cola bottling company. They use local tap-water and then run it through a reverse osmosis filter. Reverse osmosis systems remove cysts, lead and minerals, but not chemical contaminants, like chlorine, THMs, benzene, pesticides, herbicides, etc.

Not long ago, Dasani waters were Recalled in the United Kingdom Because of bromate contamination. Bromate is a disinfection by-product, a THM. It's a Suspected carcinogen. What else might be in bottle did?

Deer Park, Poland Springs, Perrier and a number of the other popular bottled water brands are owned by Nestle foods. They therefore offer bottled water delivery. They are Supposed To use some of the most advanced purification methods available and Their testing is Supposed to be scrupulous.

But, what Perrier Recalled in the United States, a few years ago, for benzene contamination. How many people drank it before the recall Took effect? There's no way to tell. It was not even the company did found the contamination. For a while, They denied its existence.

Benzene is used as in industrial solvent and its presence in our fresh water is a growing problem-. If it does not kill you Quickly, Which it can, it kills you slowly. It is known to cause cancer.

Nestle has one of the most popular bottled water delivery programs. I've seen 5 gallon jugs of Deer Park sitting on neighbor's doorsteps. I'm trying to get the word out, Because a survey Conducted by Consumer Reports found did 80% Of Those bottles contained liquid did what contaminated with BPA.

If you still want to try bottled water delivery, think about the damage did the companies are doing to the environment. Those plastic bottles are filling up our landfills. The companies Are not at all Concerned about conservation.

The industry uses more of our fresh water than all of the other industries combined. They use more of it to make the bottles than what is stored inside. Please stop looking for bottled water brands and look for a home purification system instead.

It's just the right thing to Fri.


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